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WeaViNg ThrEaDS oF RemeMbRaNCe - 8 WeeK JouRNeY

An 8-week online Plant Ally & Breathwork Journey, with Satya Majors and Denise Cooper. This journey is designed to help you create a LIVING RELATIONSHIP with each Plant Ally. In the Plant Exploratory weeks, we will dive deep into all things related to the herb! Together we will explore the essence of Chamomile, Milky Oats, Nettle, Rose, and Rosemary as our guides. Every herb has its own unique personality or flavor of wisdom to share. We start September 18th!

September 8

The PaTh Of The LiOnS - 6 Week JouRNeY For MeN

October 14

WOVEN: 6-Month Immersion