• Individual Breathwork

  • Spiritual Counsel Sessions

  • Custom packages for Corporate and Private Groups.


Private Breathwork Session

This is a private 1:1 breathwork session where you will have time to speak to the current challenges you are facing. It includes 30 minutes of active breathwork. Each session is unique and tailor-made.

This is a virtual session via Zoom. No special technology is needed. Virtual is just at potent as in-person.

Each session is 1.5hrs and $222 USD.


Spiritual Counsel Healing Session

This is a private 1:1 counseling and therapy session tailor-made for each individual. It is a combination of coaching and intuitive healing for anyone needing support and guidance. It does NOT include breathwork.

This is also a session to integrate Ayahuasca ceremonies into daily life.

Each session is 1 hour and $170 USD.


Denise is an energetic midwife! She has coached me through some of my most painful births and profound transformations. 

I so appreciate her deep wisdom, powerful intuition, and holistic approach to healing and growth. I was constantly surprised at how potent our sessions were, even over Zoom. 

Working with her in a 3 month container gave us the time to dig deep, and I highly recommend it!

~ Felicia Sharpe

Book Your Appointment


Private Groups

Custom pricing available for corporate and private groups.



I will be honest and say that most people who try this type of breathwork say afterwards, “Holy Shit!” I will go into greater detail below of what to expect and the benefits, but nothing seems to sums it up like it’s a “Holy Shit!” experience.

Breathwork is an active meditation that uses the breath as a vehicle to release emotional debris out of the body and nervous system. It can help you find a haven within your body, open the heart and break patterns of depression or anxiety. It is a self-healing practice that is an efficient and potent way to emotionally detox. There are many types of breathwork. I learned from David Elliott. He simply calls it an active meditation or pranayama breath for spiritual, physical, mental and emotional healing.


The benefits are truly endless but some common ones are releasing anger, shame, grief, sadness, guilt, fear, doubt, betrayal, anxiety, limiting beliefs, conditionings, trauma, and physical, mental, emotional abuse out of the physical and emotional bodies. The body remembers what the mind has forgotten or suppressed. The breath bypasses the mind and allows the body and nervous system to process and clear trauma and open up the pathways for ease and connection.

It’s a deep dive into exploring the vastness of your essential self, releasing limiting beliefs and traumas and unlocking self-love, acceptance, intuition, creativity, freedom and peace. It helps regulate the nervous system and inspire action when stuck or depressed. It unites your spirit with your body so you can “connect the dots” and receive clarity. Once the emotions are processed, physical healing happens more easily, self-love and gratitude are more accessible, and creativity, clarity and peace can be your normal state of being.


You will be laying on your back during the breathing portion of the breathwork meditation. It is a 3 part breath all through the mouth. The first inhale goes to the low belly, the second inhale goes to the heart and then exhale everything through the mouth. This is repeated for up to 30 minutes. I guide the session with a curated playlist and a few medicine songs that I sing. I will use affirmations and prompts guided by Spirit to help breathe light into the dark corners of your mind, body and heart. You are encouraged to laugh, yell and feel deeply in a safe and supported environment.


I have lived in the Peruvian Andes since 2007 and am a shamanic practitioner. I have been walking a plant medicine path with Ayahuasca since 2009 and have balanced it with intensives in yoga, meditation, nature and music. I bring a deep wisdom of the earth and plant medicine in all that I do.


No, you do not need prior breathwork experience to join. Come as you are. You can’t get it wrong. I accept people age 13 and Up. If you have any physical limitations or concerns please let me know.


I recently had the chance to go on an Ayahuasca retreat with Denise and Cesar in Peru. I had only limited experience with Ayahuasca before this retreat and found Denise and Cesar to be excellent guides for the journey. The retreat itself was composed of individuals trying Ayahuasca for the first time and experienced people. It was held at a retreat center in the mountains of the Sacred Valley Peru. 

Denise and Cesar facilitate the ceremonies with live music and individual care for all at the retreat participants. The food was excellent and healthy and other activities included yoga, breathwork, a Despacho ceremony with a Q’ero Elder, hiking, and a tour of local sights. I completely recommend a retreat with Denise and Cesar whether you are experienced, or this is your first time.

I look forward to journeying with them again.

-Joe Rice