WeaViNg ThReAdS oF RememBRaNcE

An 8-Week Online Plant Ally & Breathwork Journey

Weaving Threads of Remembrance

(Aka “Witches Camp”)

An 8-Week Online

Plant Ally & Breathwork Journey

Bring a Friend and save $77 per person!

With Satya Majors

& Denise Cooper

Starts September 18 ~ November 6th

4pm PST / 5pm MST

6pm CST / 7pm EST

1.5 - 2 hours

Weaving Threads of Remembrance

Is a Journey That Invites us


As we open to the medicine that the plants and the breath have to share with us, we begin to remember who we truly are.

We wake up to our true essence, we begin to see ourselves as a reflection of Nature, and we are welcomed home to a steady-inner knowing of our interconnection in this tapestry of life.

We like to think of Nature as a mirror that can only reflect Truth.

When we look upon this Earth as the fully alive, animate teacher that she is, we open ourselves to recognizing that everything is imbued with Spirit and has profound (sometimes subtle!) wisdom, healing, and messages to share with us if we choose to listen.

As we cultivate the ability to look to Nature in this way, the easier it becomes to turn that lens inward and see our own inner-nature more clearly.

In this journey, we have chosen 5 beautiful herbs to serve as our guides:

  • Chamomile

  • Milky Oats

  • Nettle

  • Rose

  • Rosemary

Every herb has its own unique personality or flavor of wisdom to share. They invoke within us different soul-lessons, ask us to open to unique states of being, and give us the opportunity to explore various themes within ourselves and our lives.

Each herb has both physical medicine AND archetypal, spiritual medicine. The arc of this journey is designed to give you the space to release what you are ready to let go of, and to welcome what you are ready to invite in.

We begin gently with Soothing & Welcoming:


Caring for your inner child :

  • Honoring your relationship with your Mother & your experiences as a child

  • Honoring your emotions (anger, sadness, frustration, grief, etc.)

  • Welcoming softness, serenity, and peace

  • Letting inner-clouds disperse & the sun shine

  • Reflecting on how you digest your reality

Then Nurturing & Grounding with MILKY OATS and Revitalizing & Awakening with NETTLE:

Connection to the land & embodied Mama Earth energy:

  • Presence & centering

  • Deep nourishment, remineralization and repair for the body and nervous system

  • Strength in both softness AND fierceness 

  • Stepping into your power

  • Utilizing the power of transmutation


Then progressing to Harmonizing & Elevating with:

Moving through life now from the higher consciousness of the heart space:

  • Truth and Knowing

  • Connection to divinity and the threads of life

  • Deepening your relationship with LOVE

  • All parts vibrating in harmony… the heart is open, full, soft, strong, steady, and clear.


And finally, Returning to Remembrance & Inspired, Will-FULL Action with:


Opening to deep remembrance… who you are, where you come from, why you are here on Earth at this time

  • Connection to the ancestors

  • Connection to the lineage of memory

  • Spark of Inspiration and the will to participate fully in life

  • Welcoming the vitality of the sun

  • Willful action that is in alignment with your higher-self 

  •  Confidence to move forward in life rooted in your own inner-knowing of who you are

In the Plant Exploratory weeks, we will dive deep into all things related to the herb!

You will receive a PDF monograph of the plant and be invited to make or gather your own medicine so that you can interact with that plant in as many ways as possible.

Our live/recorded ZOOM calls will cover:

A complete Materia Medica breakdown of the herb:

  • Traditional uses and folklore

  • Herbal Energetics, Herbal Actions, and Therapeutic Use

  • How to make (and use!) your own medicine with the herb: Tea, Tincture, Flower-Essence, Oil, etc.

  • Explore Soul & Spirit teachings of the plant through various mediums such as:

  • Discussion

  • Journal Prompts

  •  Ritual

  • Meditation

The following week on the live/recorded Breathwork Call, you will be welcomed to ingest the plant in whatever form of preparation you have chosen (tea, tincture, oil, essence, etc.) to explore the teachings of the plant more deeply in the guided container of the Breath.


What is Breathwork?

Breathwork is an active meditation that uses the breath as a vehicle to release emotional debris out of the body and nervous system. It can help you find a haven within your body, open the heart and break patterns of depression or anxiety. It is a self-healing practice that is an efficient and potent way to emotionally detox. 

What Are the Benefits of Breathwork?

The benefits of breathwork are truly endless! Feel more spacious within by releasing:

  • anger, shame, grief, sadness, guilt, fear, doubt, betrayal, anxiety, 

  • limiting beliefs, conditionings, 

  • trauma, and physical, mental, emotional abuse out of the physical and emotional bodies

The body remembers what the mind has forgotten or suppressed. The breath bypasses the mind and allows the body and nervous system to process and clear trauma and open up the pathways for ease and connection.


Denise, will guide us to weave our breath with the plant allies!

You will be laying on your back during the breathing portion of the breathwork session. It is a 3 part breath all through the mouth. The first inhale goes to the low belly, the second inhale goes to the heart and then exhale everything through the mouth. This is repeated for up to 30 minutes.

Denise guides the session with a curated playlist and a few medicine songs that she sings. Denise will use affirmations and prompts guided by Spirit to help breathe light into the dark corners of your mind, body and heart. You are encouraged to laugh, yell and feel deeply in a safe and supported environment.


No, beginners are welcome! Come as you are. You can’t get it wrong. If you have any physical limitations or concerns please let us know.

Schedule: Dates & Times

Week 1- September 18: Chamomile Plant Exploratory

Week 2- September 25: Chamomile Breathwork Ceremony

Week 3- October 2: Milky Oats and Nettle Plant Exploratory

Week 4- October 9: Milky Oats and Nettle Breathwork

Week 5 - October 16: Rose Plant Exploratory

Week 6 - October 23: Rose Breathwork Ceremony

Week 7- October 30: Rosemary Plant Exploratory

Week 8- November 6: Rosemary Breathwork Ceremony

Starts September 18 ~ November 6th

Wednesdays at 4pm PST 5pm MST / 6pm CST / 7pm EST

Each call will be between 1.5 - 2 hours

Journey Bonuses:

  • Accountability / Prayer Partner 

  • Private Whatsapp Chat Group

  • Weekly Cosmic Assignments

Our WhatsApp group and accountability/prayer partners will be a held space for you to share your reflections and connect more deeply with each other on this journey.

All cosmic assignments (homework to bring you deeper into this journey) are optional.

We are so excited to weave these threads of remembrance with you!

MeeT Your GuiDeS

SatYa MaJoRS

Born and raised in Colorado, I have been living in the Sacred Valley, Peru for several years where I am blessed to move through life at a slower pace, surrounded by the beauty of Nature and a culture that remembers that Spirit animates all. I am a clinical herbalist, a 500-hour yoga teacher, and a transformational space holder. Beyond these labels, I am simply a child of this earth… as we all are. 

One of my greatest passions in this lifetime is to create warm spaces for humans to return to Nature and invite in deep remembrance… to cultivate a living, sacred relationship with the wider-world that exists both within us and all around us.

As we light this flame of awareness in our hearts, we see past the illusion of separation that we are often confronted with in the modern world, and understand that it is in our nature to be in communion with the land… to see ourselves reflected in the plants, the trees, the flowers, the mountains, the stones, the rivers, and the long lineage of love and wisdom that is embedded within it all. Ultimately, we begin to embrace the feeling of truly BELONGING.

I have nearly a decade long journey with Lyme Disease to thank for initiating me onto this path and bringing me home to the plants. Through the many trials and tribulations of this healing crisis, my passion for herbalism has flourished and quite literally saved my life several times. It is with deep gratitude that I share my love for the practices that walk us back home to our Mother Earth.

Visit Satya’s website here: satyaholistics.com


I support people in radiating the light of their soul's purpose by harnessing their intuitive gifts and showing them how to weave nature-based magic, ritual, and ceremony into their modern-day lives as a form of empowerment, connection and as a returning home. I've taken all this knowledge I've acquired throughout my life's journey and my soul wisdom and infused it into all my offerings by weaving and integrating ancient wisdom with the modern world. I support people who are ready to step out of the spiritual closet and own their power. People who are ready to harness their intuitive gifts and share them with the world.

I have been leading Ayahuasca ceremonies for over 12 years, working with various master plants to heal and deepen into the cosmic world. I see plants as teachers and believe they are here to help humanity remember their connection to all of life. That we are not separate from the stars, animals, trees or moon. We are all connected on the web of life.

Over the last 20 years, Denise has received trainings and certifications as a Medicine Woman/Shamanic Practitioner, Reiki Master, Certified Life Coach, and Certified Breathwork Healer with intensives in Yoga, Meditation and Fasting. She also has a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology.

Denise carries a deep love for the Earth and is deeply devoted to the evolution and healing of humanity. She shares Earth-honoring teachings and reminds people of our kinship with Nature.

Energy Exchange

$777 usd

Payment Plans available (See below)




Are there refunds?

Because of the nature of this course, the material, and the container, all sales are final, and there are no refunds offered.

What if I can’t attend live?

All calls will take place on Wednesdays from 6-8 PM Central, unless otherwise determined. All calls will be recorded and a replay available.

How long will I have access to the recordings?

The recordings will be available for 1 week after each call. You can download them prior to this deadline and keep them forever.