

Denise Cooper was born and raised in Kansas City. She has been living in the Sacred Valley, Peru since December 2007. She has been leading international Ayahuasca retreats and ceremonies with the sacred plant medicine, Ayahuasca, from the Amazon jungle since 2009.  


Over the last 20 years, Denise has received training and certifications as a Medicine Woman/Shamanic Practitioner, Reiki Master, Life Coach, and Breathwork Healer with intensives in Yoga, Meditation and Fasting. She also has a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology.

Denise carries a deep love for the Earth and is deeply devoted to the evolution and healing of humanity. She shares Earth-honoring teachings and reminds people of our kinship with Nature.

My Specialty.

I support women in radiating the light of their soul's purpose by harnessing their intuitive gifts and showing them how to weave nature-based magic, ritual, and ceremony into their modern-day lives as a form of empowerment, connection and as a returning home. We've gotten so disconnected from our bodies, our feelings, our song lines, our indigenous ways, our kin, our beloved Mother Earth. All of these things act as a doorway to our connection to Spirit.  We've stopped gathering in sacred circle. We've stopped making offerings to the land. We've stopped honoring the cycles. We've stopped singing. It's time to change all that.

I've taken all this knowledge I've acquired throughout my life's journey and my soul wisdom and infused it into all my offerings by weaving and integrating ancient wisdom with the modern world. I support women who are ready to step out of the spiritual closet and own their power. Women who are ready to harness their intuitive gifts and share them with the world. Women who are ready to embrace their inner witch. And you know what a witch is? An Empowered Nature Healer.


Podcast Interviews

Get to know Denise better through various podcasts she has been interviewed on. If you would like to have her as a guest on your podcast, please contact us.




The intuitive medicine Denise Cooper offers to her students is exactly what they need. She has mastered the ability to reflect back to you what you want to change in a loving yet firm way. She is willing to share her journey and never guides from a pedestal but rather gets her hands dirty right next to you as you do your work. She has helped me learn to stop and find the magic of my own being, guided me to the mastery of my own Intuition and shown me the path to my own inner medicine woman over the 7 years I have been studying with her. I highly recommend working with her when you are really ready for transformation!

-Abi Ferrin