Woven is a 6-month online transformational immersion for you to discover your

Inner Medicine

Inner Magic

Inner Wild, Holy Woman

Starts Monday, October 14 - April 7

Mondays at 4pm PST / 5pm MST / 6pm CST / 7pm EST

1.5 - 2 hours

WoVen iS fOr WomeN:

the creatives, corporate leaders, therapists, healers, soul-led entrepreneurs, artists, teachers, mystics, magic makers, medicine mamas, stay-at-home mamas, elders, the broken hearted, cosmic dreamers, change makers, witches, savages and sages.

The lost and the found.

Women of all walks of life and lineage.

Hey Sister, I see you.

You feel a deep yearning and soul calling that there is something greater for you to discover.

The next iteration of you is burning to be born.

You crave a soulful life that nourishes you and makes you come alive.

There is an ancient, holy part of you that has never stopped talking to the trees or listening to the melodies of Grandmama Moon.

There is a deeply rooted part of your soul that understands the intelligence and wisdom of

the river rocks

and ebb & flow of the Mama Ocean.

You have a longing to weave ritual and ceremony into everyday life.

To experience the conscious version of a bachelorette party or baby shower with your sisters, aunties, mamas praying and singing and blessing you.

You want to dance wildly around a fire

to weep and wail out all your heartbreaks.

You want to giggle and laugh with your sisters

Sing songs together when words cannot express the depth of your feelings.

You want to use your hands, your body, your voice and your intuition to

Be A WaLKing, BreaTHing, EXPreSsiON OF cREaTIoN!

You WaNt To CreATe!

YOU WaNt To ConnEcT tO Your FemininIty In A WholE NeW wAY.

Creating RITUAL Around YOUR SACRED WOMB and HarnessinG ITS POWER.

You are a creator.

An artist.

A music maker.

An intuitive, wise, holy woman.

It’s time you embody that


You. Are. READY.

~Testimonials ~

“The container that Denise created for Woven facilitated the most potent 6 months of my life. I went deeper into myself, understanding the unique medicine that I bring to the world and standing in my power like never before. 

I developed important relationships with my Spirit Guides, and our group of women became a beautiful + supportive Sisterhood that is still part of my life today. 

Denise's ability to powerfully intuit the needs of the group is incredible. She is wise + gifted, and you will learn so much working with her. 

Woven was the rocket fuel to launch me into my next chapter of Spiritual growth, get ready for a Transformation!”

~ Felicia Sharpe

“Signing up for WOVEN was a no brainer for me. As soon as I read the description of what was offered during the 6 month ceremony, I KNEW this was exactly what I needed at that moment in my life.

When I signed up I was living some BIG things. I was leaving my stable full time job, searching for a big property to buy and build my dream life on and also I was supporting my family of three kids and a partner who was on dialysis at the time and waiting for a kidney transplant.

WOVEN gave me the space to process such big and intense emotions. It made me do things I have ALWAYS wanted to do but was too shy to do. I was able to be creative and evolve into a more confident person. Confident about my life path and my spirituality.

WOVEN inspired me profoundly to just keep soaring higher and higher. I looked forward to the amazing guest speakers and the weekly calls.

I loved loved LOVED WOVEN, the ceremony, the beautiful women in the group and especially Denise, the beautiful facilitator who is SO kind, suuuper humane and at the same time friggin magical and grounded.” Jasmine Lalonde

My Story…

I remember being in college and having a deep realization….

If I stayed the course I was on I knew EXACTLY how my life would look. I would marry my high school boyfriend. We would live in a nice house in the suburbs of Kansas City and have 2 kids. It would be a very safe, routine, predictable and unhappy life…….FOR ME.

I would feel like a wild animal in a cage.

I had already felt trapped my whole life. I just didn’t know it…or rather I was just beginning to see it. I would not know the full depth until decades later.

The brainwashing and suppression of the dogmatic, born-again christian church I was raised in coupled with a conservative Midwestern upbringing had taken its toll.

I had forgotten who I was…….who I TRULY was.

My wildness.

My power.

My magic.

My creativity.

My feminine, savage, goddess.

So I did a brave thing.

I chose me.

I broke up with that sweet guy and followed my heart. After graduating college, I lived in New York City, Alaska, the Appalachian Trail, Vermont and eventually to my beloved Peru. A soul home for me. Where I would reunite with Ayahuasca and my bare feet would find my medicine path. “Ahhhh, yesssss, here it is”, the “souls” of my feet told me.

No more mediocre.

No more stale.

No more certainty.

No more dull and lifeless life.

Living in Peru for 16 years has been full of color, magic and breathtaking moments that are so full of love and wonder that I think my heart might burst…and TONS of unpredictability. No water for a day here and there or electricity or internet or walking 3 miles with suitcase in tow to the airport due to a strike.

It has definitely not always been easy, but it has been what my soul had always longed for:

A life that makes me feel ALIVE.

Can you relate?

If you feel your life needs some spark to reignite your heart considering joining us.

The Experience Includes:

  • 2 private, 1.5 hour sessions with Denise (to be used within the 6 months)

  • 2 Bonus Calls: Voice Activation with Carolyn and Pipe Ceremony with Coyote & Zoe (more details below)

  • Weekly, live, virtual group calls with Denise (minus weeks Denise is leading retreats & holidays)

  • Calls will vary each week ~ however breathwork, ritual, sacred movement, check-ins, energy healing, sharing circles, and song will be part of it

  • Along with attuning to your inner wild, holy woman you will be calling in 4 of your spirit guides to develop a deep relationship with them.

  • Sit Spots and Sacred Wandering

  • We will be connecting and cycling with Grandmother Moon and listening for her wisdom

  • You will create a song each month (playfully and easily!), allowing your voice and songs of your heart to be heard

  • You will be deepening into prayer, transforming your life into a living prayer

  • You will be making regular offerings to the waters, the fire, the mountains, nature spirits and Pachamama (Mother Earth)

  • Creating ritual around significant transitions in your life

  • Daily dynamic meditation ritual, tailor made for you

  • Call recordings

  • Prayer / Accountability Partner

  • Private Signal (similar to WhatsApp) Community Group for sharing and connection

Bonus Calls

  • Voice Activation with Carolyn

    Dive deep into the authentic expression of your voice, yourSelf and your soul essence! In this session, we gently move to your vulnerable edge and uncover the golden nuggets that want to emerge through you.

    We will explore your inner soundscape using mindfulness practices, vocal toning, body movement, guided visual/sound journeys, improvised sound and song. Together we create a sacred playful space to welcome all that arises. This is not about learning to sing better or pretty, it is about freeing your voice, this magical tool we use every day to co-create our lives. Together we can unleash the power of your Voice.

    Carolyn Wall is a compassionate facilitator with a deep calling to the power of sound. She works as a vocal alchemist, workshop facilitator, musician and wilderness explorer and weaves her gifts to be in service to spiritual growth. She is dedicated to the path of spirit and bringing forth the soul’s calling to live in a harmonious and loving world.

  • Pipe Ceremony w/ Aztekoyotl & Zoe

    Aztekoyotl, a gifted MEXIKA Purepecha Curandero with an extraordinary gift of sight, has been in communion with the spirit world since he was a child. His humility and deep connection with the earth remind us of the power of simplicity and the importance of respecting all things.

    Zoe, a song carrier, a storyteller, and a radiant source of joy, complements this sacred partnership. Her presence is a balm for the soul, nurturing the hearts of those around. Together, they walk the good Red Road, a path of harmony with the natural world.

    Their medicine is adorned by the laughter and innocence of their cherished children, who journey with them to ceremonies. Zoë and Aztekoyotl offer not only their beautiful gifts but also the profound love that fuels them, two souls walking hand in hand, deeply connected to each other and to the sacred journey of life itself.

    They lead with heart, humility and most of all humor! Let’s not take ourselves too seriously.

    A pipe ceremony is a powerful and beautiful way to connect to the Spirit of tobacco to cleanse and clear energy and amplify our prayers. Aztekoyotl channels messages from Spirit and there will be an opportunity to ask personal questions for guidance.

    This is a special opportunity to participate in an authenticy pipe ceremony.

This is *NOT* a program.

There aren't modules, lessons or homework.

This is a transformative, ceremonial container and therefore will naturally shift.

We will adapt as we move, grow, and transform together.
We're REVEALING our true essence and that means being in the wild mystery.

This is perfect for you if you desire a safe space to explore….

  • a wild and holy life

  • find your soul work

  • spaciousness to attune to your inner medicine

  • awakening and rebirthing yourself into the next iteration of you

  • a colorful life full of creativity

  • more sensuality and deep connection to your body and womb

  • going ‘ALL IN’ with life, no hesitation and no holding back

  • to release blocks and resistance to creating the life your heart LONGS for

  • a solid community of love and support

When you approach life as a ceremony, what emerges is not only magic but a healing to the soul.


  • <div id="paypal-button-container-P-29A39783L42719347MNHQCOI"></div> <script src="https://www.paypal.com/sdk/js?client-id=AdWcjJOu6LAP9g6Wkz0WavQ-wZ5GWO17OMj6-LXmmRaegTM4a84nDi71sxOvancFTJ3eAl-7dJ9fu7WX&vault=true&intent=subscription" data-sdk-integra


    1 payment of $3,333 USD

  • $1,170

    3 monthly payments of $1,170 USD

  • $605

    6 monthly payments of $605 USD

  • $382

    10 monthly payments of $382 USD

This program is designed to be a powerful investment in YOU, your life, your path, your growth, and your heart. I know from first-hand experience every time I have had to stretch for something (especially financially) when my heart was a resounding YES it has ALWAYS been extremely rewarding in every aspect of my life.

If things are too easy then we don't fully show up. If we are held accountable and asked to step outside our comfort zone then we grow exponentially. This investment in you will ripple into your work, your heart, your relationships, and your message.

It will enhance all areas of your life.

If you cannot make it work, please do not put yourself in any financial stress. We don't want it to break you. Stretching is A-ok, breaking is a NO-GO.

If your resistance to the money piece is really about fear of growing, stepping into your power, leaving behind loved ones, fear of the unknown then recognize it and then give yourself the gift of this course.

Meet Denise

I support women in radiating the light of their soul's purpose by harnessing their intuitive gifts and showing them how to weave nature-based magic, ritual, and ceremony into their modern-day lives as a form of empowerment, connection and as a returning home. We've gotten so disconnect from our bodies, our feelings, our song lines, our indigenous ways, our kin, our beloved Mother Earth. All of these things act as a doorway to our connection to Spirit.  We've stopped gathering in sacred circle. We've stopped making offerings to the land. We've stopped honoring the cycles. We've stopped singing. It's time to change all that.

I've taken all this knowledge I've acquired throughout my life's journey and my soul wisdom and infused it into all my offerings by weaving and integrating ancient wisdom with the modern world. I support women who are ready to step out of the spiritual closet and own their power. Women who are ready to harness their intuitive gifts and share them with the world. Women who are ready to embrace their inner witch.

And you know what a witch is? An Empowered Nature Healer.

Over the last 20 years, Denise has received training and certifications as a Medicine Woman/Shamanic Practitioner, Reiki Master, Certified Life Coach, and Certified Breathwork Healer with intensives in Yoga, Meditation and Fasting. She also has a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology.

Denise carries a deep love for the Earth and is deeply devoted to the evolution and healing of humanity. She shares Earth-honoring teachings and reminds people of our kinship with Nature.


  • Because of the nature of this course, the material, and the container, all sales are final, and there are no refunds offered.

  • Calls will be on Mondays at 7pm Eastern, unless otherwise determined. All calls will be recorded and a replay available.

  • I love intimate circles, so it will be on the small side. Approximately 8-12 people.

  • The recordings will be available for 2 weeks after each call. You can download them within that 2 week timeframe and keep them forever if you wish!