About Denise Cooper & Cesar Eret

Denise Cooper and Cesar Eret bring over 25 years combined experience. This husband & wife team have been leading international Ayahuasca retreats and ceremonies together since 2013, individually since 2011. They have been cultivating a deep relationship with the sacred, master plant, Ayahuasca, traveling from the Andes to the Amazon, learning from teachers and masters from all walks of life and lineage. 

They humbly channel the healing energy of Madre Ayahuasca through sacred song, silence and a keen intuition. They help midwife participants through each ceremony by supporting them to find their inner connection and release blocks and dense traumas that prevent them from living life fully.

They do not call themselves Ayahuasca Shamans as that is reserved for indigenous elders who study for 40-50 years. They are Shamanic Practitioners or Facilitators. They continually invest in their growth and take time for self-reflection.

This is an opportunity to be personally guided by these gifted healers. To be held in an energetic container of love and do deep healing work in a safe and supportive way. Denise and Cesar carry a profound love for the Earth and are deeply devoted to the evolution and healing of humanity.


From masterfully intuiting the energy of each individual's needs, to holding a safe container for the journey, to honoring the sanctity of the medicine and walking with you as you process what you learn, Denise + Cesar will make you feel so safe and supported.

Each is a wellspring of wisdom, and ready to guide you through whatever comes. Down to earth and intimate, their retreats are a beautiful and important way to be held + supported through such a life changing experience.

~ Felicia Sharpe


Denise Cooper

was born and raised in Kansas City but has been living in the Sacred Valley, Peru since December 2007. She felt a deep calling to go to Peru in 2000, but didn’t make it there until October 2006 when the hiking company she worked for in Vermont sent her on a scouting trip. Denise had her first cup of Ayahuasca on September 18, 2009.

Over the last 20 years, Denise has received training as a Medicine Woman/Shamanic Practitioner. She is also certified as a Breathwork Healer, Reiki Master, Life Coach with intensives in yoga, meditation and fasting. She also has a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology.

Ayahuasca and Breathwork are two of her favorite tools as she sees immediate and effective results after one session.


Cesar Eret

Cesar earned a Masters Degree in Electrical Engineering in the Netherlands in 2005, however he left that world to pursue the calling of his soul.

Born and raised in Venezuela, Cesar has been walking a medicine path since December 28, 2007. He studied with the Taitas from deep in the Colombian Putumayo jungle.

Taita José Eliezer Silva and Taita Carlos Pulido began teaching and preparing Cesar on the plant medicine path of Yage.

Cesar uses his voice and guitar to channel the healing vibrations of Ayahuasca.

He is an open hearted man that uses humor and kindness to set people at ease.


Denise Cooper and Cesar Eret have been holding space for my healing over the last 4 years. I have started shedding what does not serve me and blooming into my own divine path with their support and guidance. The modalities of breath work, music, meditation, and plant medicines given through their love and intention are a beautiful and powerful combination - especially in a retreat setting (which I highly recommend!). Gratitude for my brother and sister in medicine - my life would not be the same without them!

-Elle Lewis