Fasting As A Spiritual Practice

Starts August 18, 2024

Did you miss the Live Call with Denise & Cesar?

No problem, listen to the Call Replay below!

Passcode: 1$cw8na6

In the call we discussed:

  • How to Prepare for the Fast

  • Our personal healing experience with fasting

  • The different ways of fasting and how you can tailor make the fast for you.

  • Is coffee allowed?!?!

  • The flow of the week and what to expect

  • How fasting enhances spiritual connection

  • Healing benefits of fasting - spiritual, physical and emotional

  • Who shouldn't fast

  • The importance of honoring the seasons / cycles of our bodies

  • How often should one fast?

  • How to safely break the fast

Fasting As A Spiritual Practice

Fasting has been used as a spiritual practice for thousands of years.

This is a sacred, ancient practice of emptying out all the energetic and physical “garbage” of stuck and stagnant energy.

It is a time of “giving up” the pleasures of food in order to gain:

  • Deep Clarity

  • Love

  • Compassion

  • Inner Strength and Intuition

  • Mental and Physical Well-Being

It helps to cleanse and purify the mind, body and spirit.

Join Denise & Cesar

7-Day: Online Fasting Retreat

August 18 - 25th

Denise and Cesar have led many Fasting (Juice Cleanse) Retreats over the years. They know first-hand the benefits of taking a “pause” to allow the body to naturally cleanse itself from the daily toxins from our environment, water, food and pollutants in the air and soil.

Benefits of Fasting:

  • Increased Energy

  • Mental Clarity

  • Reduction of inflammation which makes joint aches and pains disappear

  • Deep peace and connection to oneself

  • Emotional release of stuck energy

  • Balance within the mind, body and spirit

  • Heart opening and expansion which leads to deeper compassion

  • Cellular repair - the body uses up to 60% of its energy to digest food, so when this is not needed the body can focus its energy on healing and repairing other areas

What’s Included:

  • 3 Live, Group Calls with Denise & Cesar - calls will be a combination of prayer, meditation, song, sharing and guidance.

  • 1 breathwork circle mid-week.

  • Daily support via Private WhatsApp Group

  • Juice Recipe Ideas

  • Accountability / Prayer Partner

Call Times:

  • Opening Call: Sunday, August 18th at Noon Central

  • Mid-Week Call: Wednesday, August 21st at 6pm Central

  • Closing Call: Sunday, August 25th at Noon Central

All calls are recorded, so no problem if you can’t make it. We will send out a recording.

Pick Your Fasting Path:

Fasting can look many different ways. Join us and choose which kind of fast best serves you right now.

1. Water Fast - only water, very intense
2. Juice Cleanse - only fresh, cold pressed juices (recommended)
3. Only fruits & vegetables - raw or cooked

Or you could give up fast food, junk food (processed food), alcohol, marijuana, soda or social media, etc.

When you have an energetic container supporting you, it is much easier to stick with a detox. 

Energy Exchange:

$222 USD

You can have as many fresh, cold pressed vegetables juices per day as you like. Typically 2-3 is most common. You can make them at home with a juicer or if you have a local establishment nearby that will work. You will also be consuming psyillum husk to help keep your bowels moving to release toxins.

It is a good idea to go to a sauna to sweat out toxins via your skin and to do gentle exercise like walking or yin yoga.

*** Please consult your doctor if you have any pre-existing conditions or concerns about fasting.

Fasting is an amazing way to center yourself in the wisdom of your soul!

Meet Your Guides: Denise & Cesar

Denise and Cesar have been leading Juice Cleanse and Ayahuasca retreats for over 14 years. They carry a deep love for the Earth and are devoted to the evolution and healing of humanity. They have lived in the Andean mountains in Peru since 2007 with their 3 cats Oliver, Amaranta and Magnolia.