The Path of the Lions

6-Week Online Spiritual Course for Men

The Path of the Lions

6-Week Online Spiritual Course for Men

Starts September 8th - October 13th

Sundays: 5pm PST / 6pm MST / 7pm CST / 8pm EST

Replays available in case you cannot make the live call.

"The Path of the Lions" is a transformative online spiritual course designed specifically for men.

This program aims to empower participants by fostering personal growth, spiritual awakening, and emotional well-being through a blend of ancient wisdom and modern practices.

Duration: 6 weeks

Format: Weekly live calls, guided meditations, practical exercises, and group discussions.

Replays available in case you cannot make the live call.

Week 1: Awakening the Inner Lion

Focus: Introduction and Self-Discovery

  • Live Call: Course introduction, setting intentions, and creating a safe space.

  • Guided Meditation: Connecting with your inner strength.

  • Exercise: Journaling prompts for self-reflection and personal goals.

  • Group Discussion: Sharing experiences and building community.

Week 2: The Power of Presence

Focus: Mindfulness and Meditation

  • Live Call: The importance of presence and mindfulness in daily life.

  • Guided Meditation: Mindfulness practices for grounding and awareness.

  • Exercise: Daily mindfulness practices to integrate into your routine.

  • Group Discussion: Reflecting on the challenges and benefits of mindfulness.

Week 3: Embracing Vulnerability

Focus: Emotional Healing and Authenticity

  • Live Call: Understanding and embracing vulnerability.

  • Guided Meditation: Heart-centered meditation for emotional healing.

  • Exercise: Identifying and releasing emotional blocks.

  • Group Discussion: Sharing personal stories and supporting each other.

Week 4: Harnessing Masculine Energy

Focus: Strength, Courage, and Leadership

  • Live Call: Exploring healthy expressions of masculine energy.

  • Guided Meditation: Visualizing your inner warrior.

  • Exercise: Setting and achieving personal and professional goals.

  • Group Discussion: Discussing the role of men in modern society.

Week 5: Connecting with Ancestral Wisdom

Focus: Heritage, Tradition, and Spirituality

  • Live Call: The importance of connecting with ancestral roots.

  • Guided Meditation: Journey to meet your ancestors.

  • Exercise: Researching and honoring your heritage.

  • Group Discussion: Sharing insights and learning from each other's traditions.

Week 6: Integrating and Moving Forward & Closing Ceremony

Focus: Synthesis and Future Growth

  • Live Call: Integrating lessons learned and planning for continued growth. Final reflections, sharing experiences, and closing rituals.

  • Guided Meditation: Future self visualization and goal setting.

  • Exercise: Creating a personal action plan for ongoing spiritual practice.

  • Group Discussion: Celebrating progress and committing to the path ahead.

  • Celebration: Acknowledging individual and group achievements.

Additional Resources:

  • Weekly Reading Materials: Relevant articles, book excerpts, and resources.

  • Online Community: Private WhatsApp group for continuous support and discussion.

  • 1-to-1 Coaching: Optional individual coaching sessions with Cesar for personalized guidance for an additional $150 usd per 1 hour session.

Energy Exchange

$444 usd

Payment plan of $222 for two months is also available. Please indicate on the application if you would like to have this payment plan.

MeeT CeSar EReT

Cesar earned a Masters Degree in Electrical Engineering in the Netherlands in 2005, however he left that world to pursue the calling of his soul.

Born and raised in Venezuela, Cesar has been walking a medicine path since December 28, 2007. He studied with the Taitas from deep in the Colombian Putumayo jungle.

Taita José Eliezer Silva and Taita Carlos Pulido began teaching and preparing Cesar on the plant medicine path of Yage.

Cesar uses his voice and guitar to channel the healing vibrations of Ayahuasca.

He is an open hearted man that uses humor and kindness to set people at ease.