Ayahuasca is a CALLING.

She will call you if you are ready.

She is a medicine.

Not a drug.

She has been used for 1000s of years for healing.

Our ceremonies are for those who seek spiritual self-realization and healing with humility and respect for Madre Ayahuasca, Mother Earth and all living creatures. Our ceremonies create a meaningful base of self-love, self-trust, and self-power.

You are your own guru.

We welcome the messiness and fallible human experience.

Our path with Ayahuasca is very sacred to us.

She is a living being.

We understand that this is a relationship with a Divine Spirit and it takes patience to cultivate. Although we have each been walking our medicine path for well over a decade, we will always have the beginner’s mind, understanding that we will always be learning.

Our vision is:

  • to create a safe, loving and supportive container of healing rooted in empowering people to find their own connection to Spirit.

  • To awaken within each person their own unique medicine, so they may weave their gifts into the world.

We like to keep things real and grounded. Allowing people to feel their feelings without judgment or bypassing. We embrace the messiness of life!

You are warmly welcomed to join Denise & Cesar for a small group ceremony with Mama Ayahuasca at Pachānanda Retreat Center above Cusco.


September 28th

October 18th

November 2nd & 18th

Arriving at 5pm. Ending at approx 1am


We will be meeting at Pachānanda Retreat Center above Cusco at 5pm. The ceremony will begin around 6pm and conclude approximately 1am. 

Group size is no more than 12 people

You are welcome to sleep in the temple after the ceremony for no additional charge or rooms are also available upon request for an additional cost. 

Room Rates:

  • Shared Room: $20 usd / 75 soles, per person

  • Private Room: $35 usd / 130 soles,  per person

Ceremony Energy Exchange:

  • 100 usd / 380 soles per person.

  • Inquire for discounted Peruvian local rate. 

Payment will be collected upon arrival in cash usd or soles.

Please let us know in advance if you have to cancel, so we can give your spot to someone else.

Every person must fill out an application to make sure it is a safe fit for you to participate. An Ayahuasca diet (vegetarian, no alcohol or drugs, etc) will need to be followed 2 days prior, during and 2 days after the ceremony. More information will be on the application.


Denise Cooper and Cesar Eret bring over 25 years combined experience.

This husband & wife team have been leading sacred plant medicine retreats and ceremonies together since 2013, individually since 2011.

They have been cultivating a deep relationship with the sacred, master plants. traveling from the Andes to the Amazon, learning from teachers and masters from all walks of life and lineage. 

Together, Cesar and Denise, bring a wealth of experience to their work, creating powerful and transformative spaces for healing and spiritual growth.

They humbly channel the healing energy of the plants through sacred song, silence and a keen intuition. They help midwife participants through each ceremony by supporting them to find their inner connection and release blocks and dense traumas.

This is an opportunity to be personally guided by these gifted healers. To be held in an energetic container of love and do deep healing work in a safe and supportive way.

Denise and Cesar carry a profound love for the Earth and are deeply devoted to the evolution and healing of humanity. They have called the Sacred Valley, Peru home for well over a decade.

MeeT CeSar EReT

Cesar earned a Masters Degree in Electrical Engineering in the Netherlands in 2005, however he left that world to pursue the calling of his soul.

Born and raised in Venezuela, Cesar has been walking a medicine path since December 28, 2007. He studied with the Taitas from deep in the Colombian Putumayo jungle.

Cesar spent 7 years studying with the Yanacona Tribe in the Putumayo jungle under the guidance of Taita Jose Silva, who prepared him in their sacred traditions.

Following this, Cesar studied with the Shipibo tribe, engaging in dietas and other shamanic practices, which have helped him gain valuable experience and knowledge across different traditions, particularly in the safe and respectful conduction of Ayahuasca ceremonies. 

Cesar uses his voice and guitar to channel the healing vibrations of Ayahuasca.

He is an open hearted man that uses humor and kindness to set people at ease.


I support people in radiating the light of their soul's purpose by harnessing their intuitive gifts and showing them how to weave nature-based magic, ritual, and ceremony into their modern-day lives as a form of empowerment, connection and as a returning home. I've taken all this knowledge I've acquired throughout my life's journey and my soul wisdom and infused it into all my offerings by weaving and integrating ancient wisdom with the modern world. I support people who are ready to step out of the spiritual closet and own their power. People who are ready to harness their intuitive gifts and share them with the world.

I have been leading Ayahuasca ceremonies for over 12 years, working with various master plants to heal and deepen into the cosmic world. I have gained deep insight and understanding of shamanic traditions and healing practices and have completed several dietas under the Shipibo tradition with various teachers.

I see plants as teachers and believe they are here to help humanity remember their connection to all of life. That we are not separate from the stars, animals, trees or moon. We are all connected on the web of life.

Over the last 20 years, Denise has received trainings and certifications as a Medicine Woman/Shamanic Practitioner, Reiki Master, Certified Life Coach, and Certified Breathwork Healer with intensives in Yoga, Meditation and Fasting. She also has a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology.

Denise carries a deep love for the Earth and is deeply devoted to the evolution and healing of humanity. She shares Earth-honoring teachings and reminds people of our kinship with Nature.

It is said that Ayahuasca is a gift from the Earth herself to humans.

To help humanity remember their connection to all living things, to all of Life, to the Web of Life.