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UnMask the Good Girl: 6 Week JoUrNeY

UnMask the Good Girl
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The mask of the “good girl” is suffocating.

The plastic smile and vacant eyes while a storm of resentment, anger, and deep sadness rage within.

Being a “good girl” was my whole identity growing up. Being nice, agreeable, sweet, non-confrontational and easy was how I received love and belonging. I believed my self-worth and value came from being good, perfect and beautiful. I didn’t realize that I had needs and that it was OK to have needs. I didn’t know what boundaries were and that it is vital to have boundaries.

The “bad girl” or “rebel” is the other side of the same coin as the “good girl.” Both have the same core wound: Unworthiness, not good enough and betrayal of self to receive love.

October 29

Odyssey Of Breath & Voice - 6 Week JoUrNeY