Unmask the Good Girl &

RECLAIM Your Wild Heart

Starts March 2, 2025

Fill out an application to save your spot!

I see you.

The one who believes “if I work hard and am productive then I am worthy. My worth is based on my productivity. If I’m productive then I can rest.” You feel guilty for taking a nap or reading a book or anything that looks lazy.

I see you.

The one who gives all of yourself for a morsel of attention from the unavailable lover. Letting yourself be sucked dry because you have no self-love or boundaries. You are desperate to feel worthy from your lover's attention.

I see you.

The one who has a pattern of cleaning the house instead of working on the project that would catapult you to a new level of success. You decide cleaning out the junk drawer or organizing your clothes by color is imperative right now.

I see you.

The one who can’t ask for a raise, who takes on extra projects for work, family or friends when you don’t have the time nor is it your responsibility. Always picking up the check, overgiving with your time and energy because you hate to disappoint someone. Saying “Yes” when you want to say “No.”

I see you.

The one who avoids conflict and confrontation at all costs. Speaking up and using your voice to express your feelings or needs is terrifying. You swallow the poison of resentment, anger and deep sadness over and over again.

I see you. 

The one who can’t set a goal because if you set it and don’t achieve it then you would be “a failure.” Your mask of perfection would be flawed. Better to stay small and safe than risk feeling embarrassed or ashamed.

That hobby never blossoms into the entrepreneur work you have always secretly longed to create. The book never gets published, the songs never get sung, the foreign language never gets spoken and the trip to that exotic country never gets experienced.

You don’t set the goal because then you can’t fail. Now you have avoided those uncomfortable feelings of unworthiness and shame. You have stayed safe but at the cost of remaining small and unfulfilled.

Yet…that desire to have a life that makes you feel alive still burns within you….

These thoughts run through your mind: 

  • My friends and family will criticize me or reject me. 

  • I will lose connection, support and a sense of belonging and that will be painful. 

  • I might outgrow my spouse or my best friends.

    End Result? I might be all alone.

Yet If I stay small and “good”, I lose connection and abandon MY heart. 

I live a life that does not fulfill ME.

What if never pursuing my dreams is the true failure?

What if never trying, is the failure?

The message is: “If you are good (i.e. quiet, controlled, small) and you follow the rules of the “good girl” then life will be easy and everything will work out for you.” Right?

But now you know that isn’t true.

Your life has not been easy.

You’ve had cycles of depression, crippling anxiety, eating disorders and many heartbreaks.

You know now that the reward of being a Good Girl does not exist.

Good girls do not “win.”

Good girls do not “finish first.”

They lose in every way.

Being a “good girl” means sacrificing your needs and desires. It means having poor boundaries. It means denying your natural emotions of anger, hurt and sadness. It means being in a prison of the “disease to please.” It means getting illnesses because the anger and resentment must have an outlet. It means not being honest with how you REALLY feel.

It means disconnecting from your most sacred.

It means disconnecting from your innate power.

Instead of being good. Be real. Create healthy boundaries. Allow only those who are worthy to come into your inner chamber. Speak your truth. Say “no” and don’t feel guilty about it. Feel your anger, rage, sadness or pain. Give yourself permission to look “ugly” or act “ugly.” Be ok with making mistakes. Be ok with failure. It’s normal, natural and part of life to make mistakes.

To love completely is to be sovereign and whole.

This doesn’t mean to have a closed heart. Or to be rude, reckless or harmful to self or others. Quite the contrary, it means to be direct, clear and firm when necessary, standing in your power. This will create a greater capacity for REAL love. Use discernment (the wisdom of your soul) and release the conditioning of the “good girl.”

When she is in control everyone loses.

What if it is possible to feel safe and fulfill my dreams?

What if it is possible to fulfill my needs and my families?



“The doors to the world of the Wild Self are few but precious. If you have a deep scar, that is a door, if you have an old, old story, that is a door. If you love the sky and the water so much you almost cannot bear it, that is a door. If you yearn for a deeper life, a full life, a sane life, that is a door." 

Clarissa Pinkola Estes ~ Women Who Run With the Wolves


Trauma & Pain Points:

  • Do you over-give to prove your worth?

  • Do you try to remain in control of your life in order to feel safe?

  • Are you hyper vigilant? Over planning, controlling everything, looking 10 steps ahead?

  • Do you feel angry, resentful or frustrated often but suppress it?

  • Do you fear failure to the degree that you never pursue your dreams?

  • Do you attend to everyone else's needs first before your own?

  • Do you shrink, become small and shape-shift in order to be accepted by others?

  • Do you wear a mask of being strong but inside you feel unqualified, weak or insecure?

  • When talking about something that hurt you do you have smile on your face because you are so disconnected from the pain.

  • You have a hard time asking and receiving help and have a hard time identifying your needs.

  • Do you often feel drained after family or social gatherings?

This Course is For You If You Are Done:

  • Self-betraying

  • Feeling unworthy, not good enough and powerless

  • Ignoring your own reality, needs, desires and limits in order to be loved and accepted by others

  • Looking outside yourself for answers

  • Over-achieve to gain approval

  • Say “Yes” when you mean “No”

  • Don’t hold a boundary out of fear, guilt or shame

  • Being the “good girl” or “bad girl / rebel”

This Course is For You If You Are Ready to:

  • Let go of living in survival mode

  • Honor your own needs and desires even if it makes loved ones uncomfortable

  • Validate your own beliefs even if someone you respect disagrees

  • Take responsibility for your life and release what does not align

  • Speak your truth with love and continue to honor it regardless of the insecurities it triggers in others

  • Say no and allow another person to have their own reaction (a reflection of themselves)

  • Hold boundaries which releases you from resentments

  • Learn to TRUST in the Universe. To REALLY KNOW that Spirit has our back. Creator has a vested interest in us


“Unmask the Good Girl showed me so much about how my perfectionism, people pleasing, inability to say no, and my inability to ask for and receive help were all symptoms of the good girl mask. I became aware of all the unrealistic expectations I was holding for myself and started to uncover where the unworthiness came from.

Week after week I gave myself permission and space to release the suppressed anger and resentment of always having to be the strong one and always taking care of everyone else. It was hugely liberating, and I found so much of what I really wanted for myself. With the support of Denise and the other women in the course I launched myself into creating a totally new life for myself.

I started reclaiming my body and putting myself first, in a way I’d never been able to do before. I know my healing and growth is a lifelong process. I’m still transforming and growing, revisiting the lessons from the course as I navigate new situations in which the old patterns want to come through.

Denise offers something special in this course. With her wisdom, kindness, honesty, and openness about her own healing, she encourages you to show up and be open for whatever comes through, however it comes through.

I would take this course again in a heartbeat. It was such a beautiful honor to spend time working so closely with the women of the circle and be witness to everyone’s pain, process, healing, and growth.”

~ Allian Roman ~


Be proud of your scars. They have everything to do with your strength and what you’ve endured. They are a treasure map to the deep self.
— Clarissa Pinkola Estes "Women Who Run With the Wolves


Course Curriculum:

Lesson 1: Perfectionism

How many times did you hear growing up, "Be a good girl?" Many of us were conditioned from an early age to be good, be nice and feel only the happy emotions. Only happy was acceptable.

"This early training to "be nice" causes women to override their intuitions. In that sense, they are actually purposefully taught to submit to the predator. Imagine a wolf mother teaching her young to "be nice" in the face of an angry ferret or a wily rattler." Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Women Who Run With The Wolves.

Often one of the worst fears of our inner Good Girl is to make a MISTAKE or to not be PERFECT. But did you know in some native cultures mistakes are celebrated because it means you are growing. It is a sign of PROGRESS!

Lesson 2: UnMask Yourself

Our mask. We hide ourselves in so many ways. Hiding keeps us safe. To show our vulnerability can be seen as weak, undesirable and less than perfect.  We have to put on a smile even if we are crumbling inside. We feel that we need to look perfect and beautiful, no matter what is going on within. Be vulnerable. Remove your mask. Be seen.

Lesson 3: Skeletons in the Closet - Shame, Shadow and Judgment

What we are ashamed of controls us. The quickest way to disarm shame is to expose it. To speak it out loud, to turn on the light of truth. When we speak our shame in safe spaces it cannot survive.

Lesson 4: Boundaries - Anger is Sacred

There is so much judgment and taboo around our anger. But there is so much VALUE in our sacred rage. Anger indicates that our boundaries have been violated.

Anger is powerful energy. It is catalytic energy to create change. So use this energy, harness it. Don't suppress it, deny it or let it fester. All emotions give us information. Emotions aren't inherently negative or positive, they are FEEDBACK and INFORMATION. They are meant to be felt and processed.

Anger is like a dragon. Instead of the dragon wildly breathing fire, hop on the dragon and harness the fire. Direct the energy and channel it. 



Lesson 5: Battle Scars - Swimming in the Ocean of Your Sadness

Swim into your ocean of sadness. Allow the ocean to hold you. Allow those deep hurts, pains to act as a pathway for released.

Where do you hang on? When people have "wronged" you or "hurt" you but you still show up or don't draw a boundary for fear of being "left behind." For fear of being "rejected." For fear of not "receiving love." For fear of proving that you aren't worthy of love or great things.

Lesson 6: What's Your Super Power?

What is your SUPER POWER? Here's a hint on how to find out: it is the thing you were teased about as a kid or it's the thing you geek out about.

I also believe that illness or losing a loved one or divorce/break-up or losing everything in a house fire - anything that makes us change the course of our lives or impacts us so deeply is a door to our Super Power.

Reclaiming Your Wild Heart

What makes you feel wild? Is it sitting around a fire under a star-filled sky? Is it skinny-dipping at your favorite swimming hole? Is it singing? Is it cooking? Is it writing poetry? Is it dancing? Or making or building things with your hands?

When and Where do you feel the most alive, the most at home and the most connected?

What Do You REALLY Want?

Uncover the truth of your desires and unmask yourself. What is the mask you show to the world? What is the truth behind your mask? What do you NEED? What do you truly WANT for your one, wild and free life?


“I signed up for the UnMask the Good Girl course last year and I am so very grateful that I did. Holy moly. I had no idea what things were coming my way. This course started at the perfect time to help me work through so many things.

Looking back, I appreciate the fact that we started with the some shadow work and started to bring those things into the light. I am most definitely a "stuffer" of emotions. The breathwork provided me with a tool to process all of the deep stuffed emotions from so many years ago. I don't think I would have been able to process those emotions or even KNOW that I needed to process those emotions and memories. I always describe those emotions and feelings as being sticky and sometimes heavy. It felt so good to end the course with hope and being very intentional about the life that we wanted to create for ourselves.

Another beautiful benefit of breathwork is the ability to reconnect with my Soul and Spirit again but in a whole new way.

Denise has created a beautiful and safe space to be able to do this. She guides each session with love, honesty, and compassion. The breathwork and the integrations were deep, rich, cathartic, and empowering. It was so powerful to work with such amazing women and be able to witness one another's experiences.

Denise really helped me process, work through, and shift throughout this course. There was freedom to connect into authenticity without judgement. It's hard work, but Denise is by your side the whole time to guide you.”

~ Angela Engelhardt ~

What’s Included:

One Private Session with Denise (1 hour)

  • This session is designed to allow you to go deep into the root of your specific issues. We will sit with the pain, discomfort and allow space for alchemy and healing. We will open space to reconnect you to your own authentic voice and inner wisdom.

One Group Breathwork Circle per lesson (1.5 hrs) ~ 6 total

  • The first call of each lesson we will have a breathwork circle focusing on the theme of that lesson.

  • Breathwork is an active meditation that uses the breath as a vehicle to release emotional debris out of the body and nervous system. It can help you find a haven within your body, open the heart and break patterns of depression or anxiety. It is a self-healing practice that is an efficient and potent way to emotionally detox.

  • The benefits are truly endless but some common ones are releasing anger, shame, grief, sadness, guilt, fear, doubt, betrayal, anxiety, limiting beliefs, conditionings, trauma, and physical, mental, emotional abuse out of the physical and emotional bodies. The body remembers what the mind has forgotten or suppressed. The breath bypasses the mind and allows the body and nervous system to process and clear trauma and open up the pathways for ease and connection.

One Group Integration Circle per lesson (1.5hrs) - 6 total

  • The second call of each lesson we will have an Integration / Sharing Circle which helps to deepen the breathwork session and integrate it more seamlessly into your body, mind and spirit. This is a time to share what you experienced and hear from others to gain more awareness and understanding of your process.

Private Portal with call replays and curriculum

Private Signal (similar to Whatsapp) Community Group for sharing and connection


March 2025

If you are interested please fill out the application.

Cannot wait to welcome YOU!

2025 Dates & Times of Calls

Sunday, March 2nd, 6:00 - 7:30pm Central - Breathwork

Wednesday, March 5th, 6:00 - 7:30pm Central - Integration 

Sunday, March 9th, 5:00 - 6:30pm Central - Breathwork

Wednesday, March 12th, 5:00 - 6:30pm Central - Integration

Sunday, March 16th, 5:00 - 6:30pm Central - Breathwork

Wednesday, March 19th, 5:00 - 6:30pm Central - Integration

Sunday, March 23rd, 5:00 - 6:30pm Central, Breathwork

Wednesday, March 26th, 5:00 - 6:30pm Central, Integration

Sunday, March 30th, 5:00 - 6:30pm Central, Breathwork

Wednesday, April 2nd, 5:00 - 6:30pm Central, Integration

Sunday, April 6th, 5:00 - 6:30pm Central, Breathwork

Wednesday, April 9th, 5:00 - 6:30pm Central, Integration


All calls will be recorded and the replay will be in the private portal. Watching the replay is just as effective as being there live. Questions can be submitted prior if you cannot make the call. These calls are LIVE with Denise, they are not pre-recorded.

Self-Investment $999

(Payment Plans Below)

Angel number 999 signifies the completion of a cycle and new things coming your way. Find and embrace your real passion.

No refunds or transfers.


"Unmask The Good Girl helped me uncover how I got to be such a people-pleaser. I've always loved helping others, but sometimes it has been at the expense of my own well-being.

Each week, as we worked through the themes of the course, I learned more about how to honor myself, my truth, my feelings, my needs, and my desires; which ultimately allows me to honor and fully respect others. I started doing this style of breathwork with Denise prior to signing up for this course, but you can be a beginner and benefit greatly from this work.

The breathing pattern is simple and powerful, but it's the carefully curated themes and music, as well as, Denise's expert guidance (both verbally and energetically) that really promises potent healing and revelations.

I also loved the sisterhood that developed through meeting with the other women participating in the course, particularly during a time when I felt so disconnected from others.

This course also helped me to identify and prioritize many of the things that deeply matter to me: family, connection, purpose, love, and wild spontaneity.

I'm so grateful that I said 'f@#k yes' to Unmask the Good Girl!"

~ Jaimie McCormack ~

When we give energy toward something we feel called to, something that will support our soul's journey and personal evolution, we are literally giving a signal to the universe that we are worth that choice, that we are prioritizing our own learning and growth in a deep way. Ayla Nereo 

Payment Plans

Please fill out an application from the buttons above before selecting a payment plan.

Once you have submitted your application, you will be notified to select a payment plan.