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Holiday Breathwork Series: Restoring Family Connection

Holiday Breathwork Series
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Breathwork ::

This is a 3-part Holiday Breathwork Series to Restore Family Connection.

Call #1: Saturday, December 10th at 5pm Eastern

Call #2: Solstice! Wednesday, December 20th at 5pm Eastern

Call #3: New Year’s Eve! Sunday, December 31st at 3pm Eastern

Times are in EASTERN.

These are group virtual breathwork circles via Zoom. You will receive login details the day of the circle. Everyone who signs up will receive a replay whether you attend live or not.

Denise and Cesar have been leading retreats and ceremonies and walking a medicine path with Ayahuasca for over 14 years. They carry a deep love for the Earth and are devoted to the evolution and healing of humanity. They have lived in the Andean mountains in Peru since 2007 with their 3 cats Oliver, Amaranta and Magnolia.

October 30

Full Moon : Virtual Breathwork Circle

March 11

Mexico: Ayahuasca Retreat, March 2024