
Spirit Animal Stargate.

Is a 7-week breathwork journey with a team of Spirit Animals guiding the way through the chakras.

A Stargate is an otherworldly door or portal to cosmic realms which goes beyond space and time. A chakra is a spinning wheel of energy. We have 7 main ones that run along the midline of our body.

Each Spirit Animal is very much alive. They have so much to teach and share with us. They want to connect with us.

This is a special invitation to YOU to the counsel of these Spirit Animals.

I first started dreaming in Spirit Animal Stargate last November 2019. I had already been working with 7 Spirit Animals for myself and was loving deepening my connection to each one. So it came naturally to offer a course for others. I contacted the magically talented Lori Menna with Cosmic Collage to bring the Sprit Animals into focus with an individual and group collage of them. Once I saw them in the collages, the course really started building itself steadily, mindfully, intuitively by weaving the energetic foundation and grid to hold this epic counsel of Spirit Animals.

I slated this course to launch in May so Mother Earth could bless it with her bounty with the fresh, new springtime energy. Little did any of us know a global pandemic was going to happen. Needless to say, I’m adjusting (as we all our) with the rolling tides, knowing that this beautiful new creation will birth in the perfect moment. It has already been a JOURNEY for me with lots of shedding, expansion and growth. I always get put through an initiation first with each course that I offer.

I know this course has been in the works for this specific time in history. I know that it is no accident that this was my next collaboration with Spirit. I know this course is meant to help all of us navigate this intense gateway on Mother Earth. I sense we are moving through a keyhole and the more we shed and release the easier this rebirth will be for each of us.

All bets are off with this pandemic.

We are all re-inventing ourselves at the most foundational level. We are being asked to look at life through a new lens and fresh perspective. To take back our power. To be sovereign in our connection to our bodies and hearts. To trust ourselves even if we stumble and our voice quivers. To be creative and try something new and do it imperfectly because why not? We are in a global pandemic. Everyone is making it up as they go along.

This 7 weeks will be a healing. On all the levels. This is an energetic container or womb to feel and release all the unprocessed emotions and experiences buried in our subconscious mind and nervous system.

Trauma. Everyone on this planet has trauma. Being born is traumatic. Trauma isn’t only sexual abuse, physical violence, surgery, a car accident, death of a loved one, losing a job or war. It is also emotionally unavailable parents, not being understood by our caregivers, not truly being seen or heard by them. Trauma is a classmate calling you stupid or a sibling saying you’re fat. Trauma is a chronically ill parent, a depressed parent. Trauma is not having our needs met.

Addiction is born from trauma. Alcoholism, eating disorders, obsessive house-cleaning, drug addiction, working all the time, perfectionism, over-spending, excess social media or video games are all coping mechanism to numb or bypass the pain from trauma.

We experience self-betrayal every time we don’t acknowledge a painful experience. Every time we downplay a hurt. Every time we believe the lie that there’s no time to feel. We are too busy. We are just trying to SURVIVE. Everything is more important than how we feel. We are trained to mask and fake our feelings. We deny our feelings in order to survive. In order to be loved and accepted.

We are programmed from ages 0 to 6-years-old, approximately. Our brains are in a hypnotic state in order to learn and also because our brains are growing at a rapid rate. So everything we were told or experienced becomes the foundation of our belief system, whether we realize it or not. Conditioning from parents, family, school system, church, culture, government are the blueprints of our first days. It is why so many people struggle to release strict religious beliefs around going to hell for being bad, for example.

Permission to feel. This course is your permission slip to feel. All of it. Not just the “good” feelings. No emotion is “bad”. Our emotions provide us with feedback. They are information. They are like the weather report within our inner landscape. When acknowledged and processed in healthy, conscious way they can be digested and released.

Spirit Animal Stargate is a potent and efficient way to shed this armor and come back home to ourselves.

Intention and Purpose of the course:

Cleansing: Releasing traumatic events and stuck, stagnant emotions out of your emotional and physical bodies. Releasing feelings of unworthiness and fear. Welcoming into wholeness all parts of you even the messy, ugly, shameful, difficult, and painful parts.

Sovereignty: Finding a home within your body. Trusting yourself & harnessing your inner power in an authentic way. Creating a solid foundation of self-love, self-trust and self-power. Bringing your mind, body and spirit into alignment. Basic understanding of the chakras.

Ritual: Connecting to Spirit Animals and understanding how to communicate with them. Deepen your connection with the Spirit of Mother Earth, Plants, Animals and all of Creation. Building a solid relationship and communion with the plants, animals and Pachamama (Mother Earth).

Creativity: Exploration. Play. Joy. Curiosity. Freedom. You can’t get it wrong.

How it works and what it includes:

We will meet for 7 Sundays in a row for a live breathwork circle via Zoom. Each call with be a ceremony / ritual. You will need to prepare as you would any sacred and holy event with respect, reverence and awareness.

Each week we will breath into the theme of the Chakra and Spirit Animal, acknowledging shadows and pain, releasing with awareness and bringing harmony and balance to each energy center. Each call will last 2 hours. A replay will be sent to everyone so if you can’t attend you will receive the recording. The replay is just at potent as the live call.

Offerings: You are encouraged to create an offering to the Spirit Animals, Ancestors, Elementals, Angels and Guides before each call. The sky is the limit as to what you can offer. It could be a plate full of food or sweets. It could be a flower, seed or leaf creation made on a plate or on the Earth. It could be a song, a painting or blessing. The more we offer and connect the deeper the relationship we will create.

Altar: You can also create an altar to each animal as we work with them or add a picture or symbol of them to your current altar if you wish.

We begin on - date and time

We will work from the ground up, building a solid foundation. I have been guided by the Spirit Animals that it is ok to use the general meaning for each chakra and spirit animal to create the themes, but that ultimately I need to listen to my intuition and the message I receive from them in the moment. The also say that this is a general outline and to create space for Spirit to move in the moment, to be open to the creative process, to be open to magic, miracles and the mystery. To have wonder, curiosity and amusement. They are going to keep it fresh and alive!

Week 1: Root Chakra & Elephant

Roots, Family, Trust, Support in the seen and unseen, Listening Without Ears, Money, Survival

Week 2: Sacral Chakra & Orca

Honoring Emotions, Opening Creative Flow, Magic, Amusement, Removing Other People’s Energy Out of Your Sex Organs, Sexuality, Sensuality

Week 3: Solar Plexus Chakra & Jaguar

Self-Power, Boundaries, Owning Your Space, Reverence for Self, Opening to the Mystical Realms

Week 4: Heart Chakra & Deer

Fully Human & Fully Divine, The Bridge Between the Two Worlds, Self-Love, Grace

Week 5: Throat Chakra & Wolf

Expression, Communication, Clan, Grief

Week 6: Third Eye Chakra & Owl

Intuition, Gazing Beyond the Illusion, Wisdom

Week 7: Crown Chakra & Hummingbird

Connection to Higher Self, Miracles, Dancing in the Nectar of life


Breathwork is an active meditation that uses the breath as a vehicle to release emotional debris out of the body and nervous system. It can help you find a haven within your body, open the heart and break patterns of depression, anxiety, fear, control and judgments. It is a self-healing practice that is an efficient and potent way to emotionally detox. There are many types of breathwork. This is an active meditation or pranayama breath for spiritual, physical, mental and emotional healing.


You will be laying on your back during the breathing portion. It is a 3 part breath all through the mouth. The first inhale goes to the low belly, the second inhale goes to the heart and then exhale everything through the mouth. This is repeated for up to 30 minutes. I guide the session with a curated playlist. I will use affirmations and prompts guided by Spirit to help breathe light into the dark corners of your mind, body and heart. You are encouraged to laugh, yell and feel deeply in a safe and supported environment.

Who is the Spirit Animal Stargate Breathwork Course for?

  • if you have struggled with TRUST

  • if you have struggled with LOVE

  • if you have struggled with feeling STUCK, STAGNANT OR NUMB

  • if you have struggled with finding your AUTHENTIC VOICE AND SIGNATURE

  • if you have struggled with VITALITY OF HEALTH AND WEALTH

This is for anyone who is ready to dive into their emotional landscape. Those who are open to a healing creative process who can come with respect and humility and a sense of curiosity. No prior experience necessary. All genders welcomed.

Energetic Exchange / Ayni

$333 - $444 USD Per Person, Sliding Scale

Sign up here

Final Day to Sign up is

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Magic, Joy, Miracles, Present Moment, Healing


Connect to Higher-Self, Enlightenment

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See beyond Illusion,


Face Your Shadows


Wisdom, Clear Vision, Intuition, Imagination

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Loyalty, Communication, Connection, Community, Instinct, Intuition


Communication, Self-Expression

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Strong, Brave


Love, Gentleness, Compassion, Healing

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Access to all Realms


Personal Power, Purpose, Wisdom, Strength

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Ancient, Wisdom,




Swimming in the wisdom of emotions, Sensuality, Creativity

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Ancient Wisdom, Family, Earth, Grounding


Roots, Survival, Security, Grounding, Family, Community