The BreaThWork CollEcTiVe.

A month of FREE Breathwork with 8 different Breathwork Guides.

The Breathwork Collective

Join us for a month of FREE Breathwork with 8 different Breathwork Guides.

With 8 different inspired themes.

The benefits of breathwork are truly endless.

The body remembers what the mind has forgotten or suppressed. The breath bypasses the mind and allows the body and nervous system to process and clear trauma and open up the pathways for ease and connection to the heart.

Are you ready to get started?

Are you ready to have a little fun, too?

Join us!

April 3 - 28th

We will meet twice a week for the month of April.


starting at 5pm PST / 6pm MST / 7pm CST / 8pm EST


starting at 10am PST / 11am MST / Noon Central / 1pm EST

Each call is 1.5 hours long.


Calls will be on Zoom so you can join from anywhere in the world!

Replays will be available if you are unable to join live.

Private Portal

All calls will be recorded and a replay will be available within 24 hours. Replays will be stored in a private portal until June 28th.

**No prior experience necessary. Come as you are!

Do you have a friend who is interested in Breathwork, too? Send this to them so you can take the classes together and support each other on your journeys.


Breathwork is an active meditation that uses the breath as a vehicle to release emotional debris out of the body and nervous system.

It can help you find a haven within your body, open the heart and break patterns of depression or anxiety. It is a self-healing practice that is an efficient and potent way to emotionally detox.

It supports unlocking self-love, acceptance, intuition, creativity, freedom and peace. It helps regulate the nervous system and inspire action when stuck or depressed. It unites your spirit with your body so you can “connect the dots” and receive clarity.

Who We Are:

We are a group of 8 individuals who are passionate about Breathwork because we have directly experienced the benefits of this healing tool.

We all met each other indirectly or directly through our Breathwork Teacher, David Elliott. David simply calls this type of Breathwork an active meditation or pranayama breath for spiritual, physical, mental and emotional healing.

From the love & connection we felt from the breathwork trainings and retreats, The Breathwork Collective was born.

Meet Your GuiDeS

Denise Cooper was born and raised in Kansas City, however, has been living in the Sacred Valley, Peru since 2007 where she leads retreats and ceremonies with the sacred plant medicine, Ayahuasca, from the Amazon jungle.

Over the last 20 years, Denise has received training as a Medicine Woman, Reiki Master, Life Coach, and Breathwork Healer with intensives in yoga, fasting and meditation.

Breathwork is one of her favorite tools as she sees immediate and effective results after one session. Denise carries a profound love for the Earth and is deeply devoted to the evolution and healing of humanity.

Breathwork For Creativity

Wednesday, April 3rd

5pm PST / 6pm MST / 7pm CST / 8pm EST

Are you feeling creatively stuck? Do you desire more creativity in your life?  Do you know you have an inner artist yearning to blossom?

We are all born creative creatures! We just get blocked or stuck sometimes. Join this breathwork to create more flow, joy and creativity in your life.

Originally from the Philadelphia area, Christie Bentley, has been calling the west home for all of her adult life.

Her chapters of education and career continue to mold her into a space of greater healership, as she aspires to hold safe space for others on their journey towards personal freedom and sovereignty.

She is currently facilitating individual Frequency Healing journeys and collective breathwork healing circles out of her home in the Sangre de Cristo mountains of Northern New Mexico.

Surrender & Release

Sunday, April 7th

10am PST / 11am MST / Noon CST / 1pm EST

What are you holding onto? What can you let go of? We must intentionally create space by letting go of all that which does not flow in alignment with our core self, the truth of our being.

Let's lighten our beings by surrendering to the power of the breath, clearing what blocks us from living in tune with our own divine flow. 

Naada Aman For the past 20 years, Naada has been assisting leaders in embodying the extraordinary and living their best lives. She does this by aligning each individual with their highest truth, happiness and knowledge of Self. She has practiced Pranayama and other forms of breathwork for over 15 years.

She earned her B.A. in Consciousness and Human Evolution from NYU, studied Vedic Philosophy at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health and trained in Vipassana meditation in the lineage of S.N. Goenka.  She is a graduate of the Swedish Institute of Massage Therapy and the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and has also been studying the science of becoming Supernatural with Dr. Joe Dispenza.

Her commitment to be of service to humanity’s awakening has taken her across the globe, studying with Shamans of the Amazon and Africa, Paiute and Lakota Elders as well as exploring sound healing and Sanskrit Mantra from the traditions of India. She is constantly discovering and incorporating new philosophies from multiple cultures into her work.

The Space Between:

Breath As A Portal To New States of Consciousness

Wednesday, April 10th

5pm PST / 6pm MST / 7pm CST / 8pm EST

In the practice of Kumbhaka, breath retention, we meet our place of stillness. Here we merge into completeness and all duality ceases to exist. This is the space in which we touch the Divine inherent in all, through personal experience, not just analytical concepts. Join me as I share wisdoms from ancient traditions that will greatly enhance the magic of your modern life.

Pranayama (life-force extension through breath exercise) is described in many Vedic texts as the most important aspect of a yogic practice. It is through breath control that higher stages of self-integration are realized. There are clues to this secret even in the English language. "Breathtaking" literally means to take your breath away.


Open Hands, Open Heart

Sunday, April 14th

10am PST / 11am MST / Noon CST / 1pm EST

This session is designed to connect with our hearts and to lovingly release the illusion of control. 

Our hands can be a direct reflection of what's happening in our heartspace.  Let's breathe together.  With kind curiosity and intention we'll find a little more openness.   

Dana Bolt Barber is a life coach and breathwork facilitator who lives with her quirky and delightful family in Fort Collins, CO.  Her work is deeply rooted in her desire to serve and uplift others. 

Dana is passionate about walking beside her clients as they step into their full potential, embracing a life of authenticity and purpose.

Grace Hong: Hi, I'm Grace! I am a certified breathwork facilitator, reiki healer, and executive coach with a passion for helping others discover inner peace and well-being. It is my honor to facilitate your journey of self-discovery and healing.

After leaving a career working on Wall Street and as a corporate executive, I spent the better part of the past decade engaged in deep self-inquiry and engaging with a wide range of healing modalities.

Outside of breathwork, I'm a Senior Advisor at the private equity firm, an artist/music producer with two projects (Nolo Grace, Grace & Moji), and Co-Founder of the creative community PARASOL. I also sit on the Board of Directors of the nonprofit Save the Music.

Breathwork for Self-Discovery & Emotional Release

Wednesday, April 17th

5pm PST / 6pm MST / 7pm CST / 8pm EST

Breathwork for self-discovery and emotional release involves conscious breathing techniques to help with emotional release and connecting to self.

Deep focused breaths will facilitate your ability to purge stuck emotions, energy, and toxins from the body and shift your energy to bring you into greater balance.

This mindful practice allows for greater nervous system regulation, stress reduction, and heightened self-awareness. It is not uncommon to experience powerful breakthroughs or insights through this practice of breathing and release.

There will also be an opportunity for intention-setting and post-session sharing and integration with attendees


Sami Keedy has been on her healing journey for many years now. She is a yoga (vinyasa & yin) teacher and more recently became certified in teaching breathwork.

She believes in the power of breath and nature to calm the nervous system and ground. She is an avid searcher of truth and clarity and believes in the beauty of this world. Join her breathwork session to see a mirror of the light you shine brightly.

Breath Embodied

Sunday, April 21st

10am PST / 11am MST / Noon CST / 1pm EST

Learn how to use breath to become more present in your body and with your heart.

Through this breathwork practice, you'll naturally tap into presence through the simple act of breathing, using your senses to feel, deeply.

Stephen Roehler is a breathwork facilitator, feng shui consultant, and part-time farmer. A Southern California native and former New Yorker - Stephen, his husband, and two crazy dogs, currently split their time between Philadelphia and a small farm in Western Colorado.

Although his first introduction to breathwork was almost 15 years ago, it wasn't until 2017 that he got "a full taste of the medicine" and fell in love with this practice! Stephen has been breathing, studying, training, and sharing breathwork as much as he possibly can since then.

Breathwork to Embrace the Present Moment

Wednesday, April 24th

5pm PST / 6pm MST / 7pm CST / 8pm EST

It's easy to get caught up in our day-to-day lives and forget that the present moment is an incredible gift. Join me for a breathwork experience where you will be deeply grounded in your body, present in the moment, and return to a natural state of balance and harmony. When you fully awaken to the present and experience your aliveness, magic happens

Jami Hoffman is a former ballet dancer whose career has always reflected her deep appreciation of movement, wellness, and creativity. 

She discovered yoga and the science of Ayurveda in 2001 and traveled to Kerala, India to complete her training as a practitioner of Ayurveda. 

She is a certified teacher in hatha yoga and has practiced Vedic meditation since 2011.  Additionally, Jami has completed studies in traditional herbalism and is a certified breathwork  faciliator—teaching in both private, studio and corporate environments.

Breathwork for Awakening

Sunday, April 28th

10am PST / 11am MST / Noon CST / 1pm EST

In this session, your breath will act as a mirror and guide as we journey inward and become explorers of our own inner landscape. Through the breath a shift emerges and we begin to gently awaken into more of who we really are. 

Together we will attune to the energies of earth, water, fire, air and ether and awaken into a higher frequency for healing.

Do you have a friend who is interested in Breathwork, too? Send this to them so you can take the classes together and support each other on your journeys.